I've had such a busy week - work was 'interesting' to say the least - I spent most of today mopping up water that has been seeping into our building cellar!! Not sure where the water has been coming from, thankfully it is clean water, the local water authority put red dye into a nearby manhole and said if it worked it's way in then I was to call them back - well guess what - after about 4 hours I removed the first pink bucket full!! Unfortunately I'll have to wait until Monday to see if we can do anything about it!! Not looking forward to Monday at all!!

At home I have been busy with more postcards and arty and I hope 'useful' items for the Arty Meme that I have agreed to. They will be posted in the next couple of days.

My daughter Emma has already reserved the blue one - it's made from a magazine page, which I cut up and reapplied, but Em does not want me to post it just in case it has an accident!!
I had been talking to a friend in UK about Postcards recently and I received this in the post - so thanks Jan - it's beautiful!

Why worry about a new theme when you are producing work as good as this? I really like the blue one too. Do you have to strengthen the magazine page in any way before stitching into it?
More great postcards, both by you and your friend. I bet the meme takers are going to love them. If you want to get into swapping postcards check out http://groups.yahoo.com/group/artsnthemail/ who are international and very newbie friendly and/or http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FiberArtTraders/ who are also international and do postcards, ATCs and other fibreart related trades. Both great groups that I belong to :)
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