I love stat counters - I like to know who has been visiting and from where. I have a couple of stat counters - one that gives me loads of info and one (hidden) that just records visitor numbers. Anyway from the one that give loads of info I have found that 73 people downloaded a copy of this picture - by this I mean a deliberate saving of the picture on a PC not just the temporary file download (it is the most downloaded of my pictures!):
I am not precious about my work - I like the fact that you like my work enough to download it - I am just curious as to why this particular picture. It is only a work in progress at this stage. If you were one of the people who downloaded it please tell me why.
I bet it is because people wanted to see it bigger, see the detail. It is lovely!
I put a stat counter on my blog last Monday, just to see if anyone was loking at my witterings. It is being read!
It is lovely Anna!
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