I purchased a Soulcraft Zine from Alma Stoller and it arrived today!!! You too can purchase one from her Etsy site HERE. It is fantastic!! It is a wonderful collection of papers, quotes,collage stuff -oh I can't describe it properly!! Here are a couple of pics but remember they are taken with my phone camera (I get my good, expensive, lovely camera back mid April when my daughter comes home for the weekend!! - How I miss it!!) Front cover of the bulging Zine....
Glimpse inside - if you want to see what's in it you will have to get your own!!
You can see more of these Zines on Alma's blog HERE - you must have a look at these inspirational Zines.
PS - Today was the first day in ages that I woke up actually feeling good about myself!! Must be Spring!!
it's surely springtime
love that little piece of art.
Alma's zines are great... I saw your email on AFF group & thought I'd visit, you have a lovely blog. Your studio looks like mine, alas if it was too neat and tidy I wouldn't feel creative in it, but it does need some work. Thanks for sharing, nice to know I'm not alone in trying to keep organized, since I get caught up in art and experimenting. Good luck, hope you make it to AFF, me I'm lucky enought to be off to AF tommorrow (live nearby) so won't get to AFF this year...
I keep trying to clean my workspace but I sometimes feel it is hopeless, a lost cause. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I love the photos on yours. And that blue lace is to die for, lucky you! And lucky me gets to take a workshop with Alma in August at Art Unraveled. I can't wait!
Hi Anna! Your beautiful gold atc arrived 3 days ago, thank you very much! I'm going to post in our yahoo group photo album and I'll send you an email as soon as possible!
Hugs from Italy
Hi Anna,
Thank you so much. I hope you have painted and doodled in the zine.
AFF is in Portland Oregon this year. I hope to see you there.
Be well,
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