Amazon is.......... That is Amazon the on line book etc shopping site. I ordered a computer game for my son for Christmas - hope he is not looking at this site. When I got home this evening there was a delivery card saying the parcel had been 'thrown over the back gate'. I thought that's OK it was probably packaged in one of those 'book sleeve' type cardboard things, which are usually too big for my letter box.
But NO NO NO - when I went into the garden look what I found - I had to open the double patio doors to get this HUGE box into the house and its contents was made up of other boxes, with scrunched brown paper to fill the space - FOR JUST FOR A SMALL COMPUTER GAME!!!!!! Look at the size of the thing.......................
That's bizarre. Do you think that maybe they get a lot of theft of small boxes and that's why they pack it like that?
I hope they didn't charge you too much for postage Anna.
Come to think of it I reckon Vicki has a point.
Well, this way it certainly was safe while landing in your garden.
Yes, it's such a waste. You think with a name like Amazon, they would be more concerned with saving the planet by saving on cardboard
And there is me saying to Dan. No, I wont by a salad spinner... we don't need a salad spinner and just thing of the extra Co2 emission making all those 100's of salad spinners that we can all live without...
It really is ridiculous...I wouldn't be able to resist asking them what on earth they are thinking of?
It seems to be a 'sinterklaas'-surprise present. That's what we do in Holland on the 5th of December (instead of the Santa Claus)..
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