I did prepare the sides of a vessel by laying some silk pods on black felt but put them to one side! Instead tonight I have made my first ever fabric postcards. The 'heart' series. 

I'm not sure if these are elaborate enough - having looked at other bloggers postcards - so these can be considered my trial attempt. They are fun to do - a nice way to re start the textile inspiration. Maybe I should look at more of a theme.
When you make fabric postcards - do you plan them in a sketchbook or do you just go for it, like I did? Should they remain flat - can you add beads? Can they really go through the UK postal system or do you put them in envelopes when sending? So many questions - where do I get the answers??
These are great Anna! I can't believe these are your first ever. Can't wait to see more.
These cards are wonderful. They look fancy enough to me, although I've received from very simple to very fancy! Anything can be added to a poscard, but try and keep reasonably flat. I've had buttons and beads go through safely if securely attached. Sometimes I use the clear plastic envies if particularly fragile or I used fancy fibres. My very first card I mailed back to myself to see what would happen!! Use 1st or 2nd class stamps within the UK, 50p for overseas and don't forget the airmail sticker. We don't have the equivalent of hand cancelling in the UK, just stick in the postbox. Good luck with your postcard journey :)
We unfortunately can't send them "naked" here in Canada--but we do receive them sans envelope. I've done/seen incredibly intricate and amazingly simple both being effective---chacun a son gout!
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