So postcard 30 - or rather 'postcards' and an ATC !!!!! - see I can't just make one any more!! It's another completion of a pre felt - only this time I have taken photos during the process for clarity. The original pre-felt was I guess a type of Nuno felt in that it was a base of brown wool tops, with cream wool tops and some small pieces of multi-coloured chiffon fabric in just one corner.

The piece became quite thick as I've shown below. 
The piece was dried and cut into three postcards and an ATC. Shall I offer these for a swap??? Is anyone out there keen on felt making - the proper way by hand - not this new craze of needle felting machines - There are three cards - any takers? How about swapping one of these for something other than a postcard - or something multi media??
Today I had a lovely surprise in the post from Emmy - she was one of the lucky ladies to respond to my most recent postcard swap offer. This is the delightful postcard she has sent me - her note reads 'hope it is textured to your liking' - well Emmy what can I say -- this is above and beyond my expectation. It is so deliciously textured - I've just spent the last few minutes stroking it!!
1 comment:
More beautiful cards! Love your process of making them. Emmy's card is gorgeous too!!
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