Yes it's the same principle - using my dyed silk carrier waste pods. I think these bags in both sizes may take off as a saleable item!! - I have sold some of the 'pocket bag' size ones already!!
Next (although I don't think either of them read this) I would like to wish my children all the very best for 2007 - may all their dreams come true. Someone once told me that by just saying things out to the universe can help make them happen - it's a nice idea to hold on to - so I do hope their dreams for 2007 really do come true.
You'd like to see my children???? Well - OK then here they are .......
This pic was taken at Terry's 21st birthday party last January - he's 22 on the 5th Jan and Emma will be 20 on 17th April.
What do I look like? No.... you really don't want to see me. I hate having my picture taken - the last one was taken in May when I had just
returned from the trip of a life time - Cruising down the Nile - OK here it is - but promise never to ask ever again OK?

Better go now after all a while ago I did resolve to make a Postcard each day during January and I need to get creative. Will post it later - I hope??***!!!
Anna, you're gorgeous and so are your kids!! (They look like you).
I love the bag you made - it's beautiful!
hey different from how i imagined and very good looking lady. It's always and odd feeling to "show" oneself ;))
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