Having grumbled about the rain I must say that yesterday was beautifully sunny - I set of early from Wilts to Derby to visit my son (and to meet the new girlfriend - who is an absolute delight!) - the sun shone all the way and all day whilst I was there - we had a really lovely time, sitting in the market place in the sun watching people go by, we went to see Shrek The Third (so funny - you must all see it!) and had a lovely meal out - I was even taken to a 'bar/club' called Walkabout to see what these youngsters get up to - it was great!! There was a band playing a lovely mix of music and many 'oldies' (47) like myself- I did not feel out of place at all. Driving home today the heavens opened again.
When I arrived home this is what I found on my door step - I think it is dead as it did not move and I think it is moth, but isn't it beautiful?
Then inside on the mat was this postcard from Helen in response to my washer challenge - it is just beautiful and such a clever idea! Well done Helen!

I've caught up on my blog reading and see many of you are in studio tidying mode so I think I best get on with mine - maybe if it is tidy and I have space again I might get creative????? Where have you heard that excuse before??
Below are a couple of my pics from Marrakech - Em and I both had henna tattoos - the lady got carried away and I ended up with the backs of both hands and one palm covered - Em had both ankles. Then there is my Coca Cola Can - isn't that lovely - considering I love cans (I did bring this one and a Sprite one home in the suitcase)! and just one of The Koutoubia.
Glad to see my postcard arrived safely. Love the Henna pictures - so creative :)
Hi Anna-I don't think my mail is getting through to you still--I resent the photo to you yesterday
and you obviously haven't received it-so I will post it on my blog tomorrow and you can see it then.
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