The post has been great again the last few days. I have received three more birthday postcards (I still have two to make and I promise I will get there). These lush three are from Suz, Carol and Emmy. The texture of all three is just delicious. All you ladies are so encouraging me to start my creative work again - it will be slow but I will get back there!!

Below is the other great thing that arrived in the post - I ordered this journal from Linda and Laura Kemshall although I am not a patchwork/quilter as they are I thought I'd give it a try. It is amazing and the CD that supplements it makes the £17 cost so worthwhile - It's not a magazine and it's not really a book but something in between and BRILLIANT!¬!!!!!!

What beautiful postcards Anna and I have heard that book is fantastic.
Can't afford any books for a while as I have just brought an embellisher.
Beautiful postcards!
I ordered the book and cd yesterday. I can't wait to get them.
Great mail you got! I also ordered the book this week, addicted as I am. I am so curieus....
Guess I will have to order 3fold - you are the umpteenth person to recommend it... Anyway, happy birthday, and I just wanted to say, I have finally done something with my washers - come have a look when you have a free moment :)
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