Now to the title..... I have been reading many blogs whilst feeling rough and noticed that lots of people write about cuddly toys that have adventures - like Monkee Maker and several others. Well I am 'mad' and 'sad' too (that's what my kids have always thought) - I have had Snoopy here...
since I was 18 - my mum gave him to me and he has been everywhere with me ever since - yes he came with me to meet my prospective in-laws, on my honeymoon, on every trip overseas since, he was even hidden in my bag(which is not easy as he is roughly 8" tall!) when I was at the solicitors for my divorce and at every job interview!!! (Janet - if you are reading this - yes he does come to college!!) I have photos of some of these occasions but am too embarrassed to post them here!! I may do so in the future though!!
The problem is that this morning as I got out of bed (yes he's there too!) I noticed that the cardigan and trousers I knitted for him all those years ago - (well he was nude and that's cold for a young pup) - are now beginning to fray!
Hey, welcome to the club ;0)
My teddy is 51 years old and had to stop coming to bed with me a little over 20 years ago as he is so thread bear.
Roger (yes my hubby) bought me a new bear that comes to bed with us and goes on every holiday with us.
How great is it to be mad!
Anna do you know that I have the exact same snoopy and I bought him from money from my first real paycheck when I was 18?! He sits right on my night table. I've always been a huge Charles Schultz fan and I was so sad when he died.
sad to say that we have a bear who has ridden on our motorcycle for the last 10 years, he's greasy, dirty and tatty but we would both be devastated if we lost him. And yes, he has his own blog, theres a link on mine.
Welcome to the club Anna! Your Snoopy is wearing well for 30. I used to buy the Peanuts books years ago and have probably still got a few somewhere. I'm sure your Snoopy can't wait for his new togs! Hope you're beginning to feel better.
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