I now have two copies of these !! So if you want one they are £4 each including postage.
Many of us use tyvek to add texture to our work these days. T and I begrudge paying £5 for 10 A4 sheets of the stuff. So a while ago T asked her office post room if they would sell us some envelopes. They said no but said that if T gave a 'reasonable sum' to their favourite charity the post room would let her have the next few weeks incoming envelopes (they are normally re-used). So of course T agreed. Now we will pass them on to you for a 'reasonable sum'. They are nearly all bigger than A4 so we will let you have 3 for £2.50 or 6 for £5 (free postage). This gives you plenty of tyvek to play with. We have removed the labels but there may be a tiny bit of printing (like the frank mark or a return address)- just use the other side.
Overlocker thread - T uses these all the time and often uses them in the bobbin of FME to give texture especially when using whip stitch. As these reels are v. large they are £4 each including postage.
Bright Red Burgundy
Bright blue (This is a huge reel !!)
- almost royal blue
Baby blue
Baby Pink
Purple (also a very large reel - not quite as bright as pic)
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