Catalogue Killers who have read Maggie's note on the yahoo group will have seen that we will need two books to work on later on. One small and one larger. Using this as a good excuse to
a) get out of the house before the rain and
b) as an 'Artists Date' (readers of Julia Cameron's Artist's Way will understand)
I decided that a happy trawl around the several charity shops in town would fill a couple of hours.
I had a lovely time - but was careful with my spending (things are even tight for charity shop prices). Any way these are what I came back with: My small hard cover book - the lady behind the counter asked me if I was into I Ching. I had to confess that I know nothing about I Ching and it was the book I was interested in NOT it's contents. She was most puzzled and I had to explain in 'layman's' terms that I am an artist and about to use the book as the basis of a piece of mixed media art. She looked at me as if I was mad but hey that's normal these days - It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her about the catalogues but I resisted. She asked if I live locally or had come for the day, when I told her where I live, she smiled in a sort of knowing way - the nearest 'mental' hospital is about 200 yards from my house so I presume she thought that's where I live!! As the I Ching book is very new looking I may have time to look in to I Ching and read it before we attack it. (note since posting - having flicked through this book I think it will be ok to use for the exercise as several pages are not printed !!! Therefore it is really of no use as a book to read!!)
The next book is meant to be slightly larger 'about the size of a Batsford Book with big pics'- I think this one is OK if a little fat, but I like the maps and photos - not really big photos.I hope whatever we are going to do will allow me to save the maps. Again as it is a good condition book I may read it first. Happily these two only cost me £1.50 so bargains.
I would like to say a big thank you to Maggie for sending me out like this because whilst happily trawling the shelves I came across a bargain which I will not destroy. This only cost me £1... I have not yet been to the Bath Museum. I was not sure how many costumes are actually on display but this book has definitely inspired me to a visit. After all there is nothing stopping me right now - it's not as if I have a job to go to !
I love going round the charity shops, and I hope to find dome books on Wednesday(I should really be shoppping for my sons birthdat pressie). Fingers crossed for the job hunting.
There a some good charity shops in Bath as well as the Museum of Costume. Definitely worth a visit!
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