Anyway I thought OK - this has worked out OK and if I was a bit different with the fabric I could make these to sell. BUT - and there is a BIG BUT. When I re-read the pattern there is a tiny box with small print that reads: Purchase of this pattern entitles you to make as many bags as you like for your personal use. If you're interested in using the design as a sample for the purpose of selling this pattern, your fabric, or for demonstrating your embellishment techniques, you may make up to 4 only. If you are interested in making more than four please call for information on purchasing a commercial license.
Well that puts pay to that idea!! I think I will draft my own bag pattern which will also be much smaller and have the pockets better protected.
I know it has several pockets but none of them are safe so what would you use a bag this big for?
Maybe to carry a kangaroo in Anna--Sorry for the pun.
It does look a bit un-inspiring doesn't it.
You will surely do a better and more useful one yourself.
Hi Anna,Ineke Berlin gives a workshop on this pattern it is for carrying a small sewing machine to classes.I made one from recycled jeans and as the handles form part of the bag it is very strong.Someone of your talents could easily design your own
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