SERENDIPITY - an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident. The musings of a Textile Artist
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Post 500 and a giveaway!
Firstly I need some help - below is a pic of two poppy seed heads - the lower one is a standard poppy from my garden - the ones I showed you earlier in flower. The top one is from a flower arrangement the florist brought to our office. My question is........ does anyone know anything about this giant poppy? If I harvest the seeds (sounds like there are loads) and plant them will they grow in UK and what will it look like???? Any Idea???
Now this is my 500th post so to celebrate (and to celebrate both my belated birthday and my name day) I will give this latest small 'Scrap book' away. There is one catch though....... Before I give it away (because I really want to keep it myself :-) ) I need 100 (different) people to leave a comment on this post, then I will have a draw. You have until August 31st - I will do the draw on that day if there are enough comments. The comment must be written in the comments box on this post - OK ?
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I guess I'll go first. Congrats on your 50th post! In regards to the poppy, I'd just try planting them in the fall to see if they'll come up next spring.
Just found your blog. Can't believe that there is someone who has as many things 'on the go' as me? I am not alone! I've never been the first to post a comment either. Happy 500th!
Oh, I wasn't first after all!
500 posts! Awesome! I'll post about your drawing on my Field Trips post - that should get you to 100 easily!
Wow! That's some target ! ;-) Congratulations on your 500th post, birthday and name day. I'll post a link to this post next time I blog (note to self, make a note to remember this!)
congrats on your 500th post! Wishing you 500 more!
What a lovely book! Congratulations on your 500th post, I do enjoy reading your blog and seeing your textile art.
I cant help with the poppy I am afraid, is it the Oriental poppy which does grow in this country, they have quite big seed pods.
youre so funny about wanting to keep it yourself. you SHOULD keep it yourself, you could give the winner instead some ATC or make a smaller version of your book. it looks pretty though. if i win your giveaway then i will let you keep the book. you can check out my website - I am also doing a giveaway.
as for your poppy, believe it or not you can google "distinguish dried poppy heads" and up comes a whole list of different websites with pictures! it's hard to know without some kind of ruler for size comparison. sometimes i guess you just have to plant it and see what comes out! hopefully they didn't treat it with some kind of chemical that has rendered the seeds inert. good luck. be sure to post photos after you grow the flowers!
and congrats on 500 posts, thats a ton!
Congrats on your 500th post.
I always enjoy reading your blog and see all the different things you come up with.
I really love the vessel you made in Maggie Grey's latest book Must try to make one myself.
Greetings from Holland. Annelies
Congraulations on this milestone! I look forward to reading the next 500 too! Count me in for the beautiful give-away - and I see Vicki is going to post on her Field Trip post so you won't have any trouble getting 100 comments!!
Firstly, I am amazed at the size of that giant poppy seed head, it is gorgeous! I have no idea what you will get if you plant the seeds though, I just the love the seedhead!
Secondly, good luck with your giveaway. The book looks gorgeous and I can see why you would want to keep it for yourself. Hope you get the comments you are seeking and I would love to be included in your draw for it
Sending best wishes, Carolyn
I would just love to win your book, Anna, or if not that, then any little piece of your work! Please enter me in the draw - I really hope you get 100 comments!
As for the poppy - you could try contacting the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) - they are usually quite helpful. Good luck!
500 posts? Oh my, you have been at it for a while. Congratulations - and a lovely giveaway.
That is a great challenge, but the book is so gorgeous that I think you wish that there will be only 99 comments :-) Congratulations.
I will help you get to 100 comments Anna and congratulations on the 500th Post.
Congratulations!! You are a couple of hundreds posts ahead of me :-)
Oh it looks yummmm, love the hundred comments idea.
Woo Hoo! 500! And you look so young for your age! hahaha
Congrats and hope you have many more!
(Oh and I'll take great care of your wee journal if you care to send it my way! lol)
;) Carole
Congratulations on 500 posts! Would love to be included in the draw Anna.
Congrats on your 500th post - I would love to be in the draw. As for the poppy seeds - you could sow a few directly into the soil this autumn and some in pots or trays, and save some till the spring and do the same then. That way you've covered just about all options.
500 posts is an amazing milestone, I love your little book. Not sure about the poppy seed head, but it would be interesting to see what comes up.
Congratulations on your 500th post.
About your poppy seed head.
It is worth giving it a go and sprinkling the seeds either Autumn, or preferably early spring.
The seed heads from my black peony flowered poppies are about that size. They are annual poppies. If it is from any of the annual poppies it should grow next late spring/ summer.
How wonderful toget to 500 posts - I look forward to reading the next 500. I love the suggestion to google to find the answer to your poppy seedhead - how did we ever manage before google? Your little book is gorgeous, I would love to win it. I will link you in the next time I blog. Cheers, Robin
congrats on 500th post.
The giant poppy seed head is
Papaver Somniferum Giganteum - basically a giant version of the opium poppy. It's sold by several seed companies in the Uk (including Chilterns seeds)so there shouldn't be a problem growing it.
There was an article in the Independant by garden writer Anna Pavord on 18 July ( too long to paste the URL in but worth a read)
The poppy heads look interesting - could you cut one in half and take a photo?! - just to see what it looks like inside!
Congratulations on your 500th post. I am taking my first steps into blogland. I'd love to be included into your draw. Angela
You're doing some wonderful work at the moment - loving the colour combinations.
As for the poppy seeds, I don't know but why not just have a try with them?
Congrats on the 500th post. That is an achievement. Hope you get the 100 comments by the end of the month.
Congrats on the longevity with 5oo :) I don't comment often anymore, because how many times can i say "wondrous, beautiful, captivating, innovative, awesome" and the like? :)
Your work is always stunning, Blossom!
Congratulations on your 500th post. I think it wioll take me a long, lonmg time to get to that figure!! I'd love to be in the draw
lots of lovely work you have been doing Anna - haven't been to visit for a while - congrats on 500 blogs.....
Congratulations on 500th post Anna
Lovely book.
Happy 500th post! A bit late because of being away on holidays and just catching up. I would just try scattering the poppy seeds and see what happens.
lots of advice on poppies here, what a useful blog post:-) What is it about the colour of poppies that is totally wonderful. We recently drove past a field, and rather than being just along the edge of the crop as you often see, the poppies were scattered across the entire field mixed in with whatever it was that was growing 'officially'. I could have just gazed at it all day.
Good luck with the next 500 posts. I am heading for my 100th soon
thanks for sharing
500 posts. I'm only about half that. Congrats. I would love to win. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and good luck in the draw.
Just found your blog. I love all your great inspiration. Please enter me in your draw. congrats.
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