I have signed up to participate because I am currently stuck and hope that by blog surfing I will be re inspired. I know I do keep making things - slowly so there is a bit to see on my blog here. I currently have 125 followers and hope more will join, however - sorry to you loyal followers that I may not have been very productive recently and have moaned a bit - am going to say it's my illness and the immune suppressants making my mood low but I don't think that really counts :-) .
I love comments and suggestions - 'help' for want of a better word and need contact with other like minded textile artists.
Do join the game and see you on 25th January.
Hello Anna, I can sympathise with the immuno suppressant symptoms - they do make you feel low at times, I have rheumatoid arthritis and my specialist nurse says the general, constant inflammation in the body can have the same effect. My suggestion for a creative block is to look over some of the things that you've done before and if you're really up for a challenge, choose something you didn't really like and try it again, change it, develop it and give it a new start. Gilli @ Tasty Textiles by Textile Cottage
Good for you Anna. It may find some new blogs, some new followers and some new inspiration - who knows.
Thanks for your nice comments about my own blog.
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