Recently I received an interesting shaped piece of advertising in the post.
When I opened it out I thought 'what a great shape for a book'?
I made a cover using the Catalogue Killers Lesson 1 sort of principle.
However I am not sure my pages are quite what I had envisigned. This will have to be my prototype and I will try to get the idea I have in my head out another day!! It is quite intersting! ??
Anna I think your idea is lovely. I'm not sure how thick the finished article will be. Do you think there will be a problem folding so many pages? I do like your work.
What a wonderful idea - I shall watch its progress with interest.
I am glad I am not the only one who collects little bits of ephemera like that! Dylon currently have a fold out booklet about their dyes which I am thinking of trying out in fabric and paper.
Hooray, I can now see your photos, they are very interesting, I like the idea, shall await further progress. Cheers, Robin
Oops, I was on the wrong blog when I said I couldn't previously see your photos, I have come back to say they have been there all the time!
The book looks very interesting, cant wait to see it finished. I love this sgape, it reminds me of my trip to Barcelona. The pavements were slabs with a Gaudi design on them and I had to do some rubbings of them.
It certainly is interesting. What a great idea
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