So - good news - I am now well - actually have been for a few days but the bad news is that my doctor signed me off work until next Wednesday - this is actually both good and bad news - good because I get a few more days to get back into my textiles (I am slowly regaining my inspiration) but bad because I lose money - I only get the statutory sick pay for the two weeks I have been off work and believe me that is not enough to live on!!
Good news - my daughter came to visit last week and to join me in an outing. Back in June, for my birthday, my son had given me tickets for my daughter and I to go to a show - he had warned me that the date was a long time away as he wanted to get a venue closer to my home. The show was last week in Salisbury - We went to see Grumpy Old Women Live 2 - Chin up Britain! It is the funniest show I have seen for ages. We cried with laughter. If you get a chance to go and see this show you really must. The website is here
I fully agreed with most of their grumpiness and oddly so did my 22 year old daughter - is she becoming a grumpy old woman early??
Good news - I attended our Moonrakers Textile Group meeting on Saturday - we had two new ladies who do some fantastic work. It was a good meeting as we were able to sort out some ideas for the future - keep an eye on our group blog (see side bar) for a update soon - Bad news - I only managed to sew four darts in the four hours and came home feeling inadequate after seeing others work!! Good - I also came home inspired!!
Update: do you remember the post I wrote about 'Many Projects at Once' back in August? See Here. Well here is an update: 1. Klimt bodice - Good - Complete
2. Texture book (Scrapbooking but not as we know it) - Volume 2 large and Volume 3 small - Good - Complete.
3.Waste Not Waistcoat - Bad - has had a little hand stitching but is still really awaiting inspiration.
4. 7 Fairy costumes from Mid Summer Nights Dream - Moth and Cobweb - Good - Complete. Titania - Work in Progress and Oberon - at the pattern trying out stage (so really pre-work in progress) the others are still just in my head.(Good and Bad !)
5. The Fool bodice - Bad - still the same awaiting inspiration.
6. The new piece I started at the same time as writing the 'Many projects post' (now called 'Woven')is Good ish ! - Currently working on thisat the same time as my other projects!! - it may turn into a bag. The original fabric looked like this.....
and has now become this...... (WHAT - Not those spirals again????!!!) -
here is the back to give you a better idea of the very rough spirals ....
I had to work from the back as (Bad) my machine did not like the gold thread in the needle, also bad news - the surface does not burn back with the heat gun - not sure why - it may be because I used bondaweb to hold the top layer - never done that in the past! So will have to come up with another idea for enhancing the surface more. Oh and another piece of temporary (I hope) bad news is that somehow the fabric has coloured my sewing machine!!....... it has a pink glow!! I hope I can remove this with some cleaning product!
Good to see you back again Anna. Glad you've shaken off the dreaded oink.
Glad you are ok again...
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